Notice of RTX64 Compatibility with Windows Security Features

2 月 15, 2019

IntervalZero understands that Industry 4.0 will transform the ways that machines and machine controllers are architected. Industry 4.0 seeks to disrupt manufacturing by implementing digital strategies that optimize production through collecting data, converting it to actionable insights and then having the factory adapt based on each insight. Success can be achieved by integrating and networking the machines in the factory together and to the cloud.  However, networking machines to answer the call for Industry 4.0 functionality and benefits opens the door to increased security risks.

Ensuring that more robust security features are available mitigates that heightened risk.  Microsoft invests heavily to offer world-class security to its customers.  As part of their company’s value statement, Microsoft recognizes the privacy and security are their users fundamental right. Microsoft commits to their security by employing 3,500 security professionals and guaranteeing 24/7 defense operation to secure all data for each customer.

RTX64 transforms Microsoft Windows into a Real-Time Operating System (RTOS)and the RTX64 architecture can benefit from the Microsoft security features without having to create much of its own security.  Below are some key security features that RTX64 users can enjoy just from using RTX64 on Windows. Like Microsoft, IntervalZero is committed to ensuring world class security for all its users.

In the list below, we recognize that there are features that we cannot support since they require a hypervisor. From an architectural standpoint, the design philosophy behind RTX64 is that virtualization introduces jitter and latency so RTX64 avoids the use of virtualization in its architecture.

In summary, by capitalizing on Microsoft’s security features, RTX64 makes a significant contribution toward delivering on the promise of Industry 4.0 by relying on Microsoft’s security. Please read the list of key features that RTX64 supports below, and as always, get in touch with any questions.

IntervalZero RTX64 is compatible with a number of key Windows Security features. The table below shows which of these features is currently supported by RTX64.

Security Feature Description Supported
AppLocker An application white-listing technology that restricts which programs users can execute based on the program’s path, publisher, or hash. RTX64 3.5 and later
BitLocker A full-disk encryption feature. It protects data by encrypting entire volumes. RTX64 3.5 and later
Device Guard

Combines these features:

  • Hypervisor Code Integrity (HVCI)
  • Windows Defender Application Control (WDAC, formerly known as configurable code integrity policies)
Not Supported
Early Launch Anti-Malware (ELAM) Ensures that all third-party boot drivers are trustworthy before they are loaded. If the ELAM check fails for a driver, the driver is not loaded. ELAM can use either Windows Defender or third-party compatible anti-virus software. RTX64 3.5 and later
Measured Boot Allows a trusted server on the network to verify the integrity of the Windows startup process. RTX64 3.5 and later
Secure Boot Secures the boot process by preventing the loading of drivers or operating system loaders that are not signed with an acceptable digital signature. RTX64 3.5 and later
Trusted Boot Measures system firmware boot components and the creation of secure cryptographic artifacts that unambiguously demonstrate that particular firmware has been executed by the system. RTX64 3.5 and later
Windows Defender Antivirus Windows anti-malware feature (formerly Windows Defender). RTX64 3.5 and later
Windows Defender Credential Guard Prevents attacks that steal secrets by protecting NTLM password hashes, Kerberos Ticket Granting Tickets, and domain credentials stored by applications. RTX64 3.5 and later
Windows Defender Exploit Guard A set of host intrusion prevention capabilities for Windows 10, allowing you to manage and reduce the attack surface of applications. RTX64 3.5 and later
Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security (WFAS) Blocks unauthorized network traffic flowing into or out of the local device. RTX64 3.5 and later
Windows Defender System Guard

Combines these features:

  • Virtualization-Based Security (VBS)
  • Hypervisor Code Integrity (HVCI)
Not Supported

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