Program Memory in Digital Signal Processing

1 月 28, 2019

The program memory is a component of digital signal processing. This signal comprises of other key objects such as computing engine, data memory and imports. The ports can vary across external ports, timers, and serial ports. It applies global signals such as video, voice, pressure, and audio which are manipulated mathematically. In that context, arithmetic functions like multiply, subtract, add and divide are designed to accomplish the processing.

During the execution of the CODE, program memory (ROM) is employed for permanent saving under two sections; application program and boot program. Their size is set up by the BOOTSZ fuse. Both sets have different Lock bits that help in protection. The memory is also applied in the storage of constant variables. This outcome is determined by the settings in compiler.

Elements of the Program Memory

The memory comprises of the four general elements. They include the stack, processor registers, and the heap and data segment. When executing the digital signal processing and other significant programs, only the dynamic allocation region and the stack that have capability to change the size. A bit of control to them can be applied depending on the language programming that is used. The processor register holds data processed in the central processing unit. It generally occupies the apex position within the digital signal processing and provides high-speed space for storage for fast and direct accessibility. The stack keeps temporary memory whenever a new variable is declared. In the existence of function, every variable is pushed onto this special region for deletion. At this context, program memory has the freedom to manage the program memory of digital signal process.

Program Memory Anatomy

This program is the central part of various processing. It is essential in transmission of signals and full administration of the system. Every process to achieving these results occurs in the operating system by managing specific memory sandbox. This box is the virtual address space and normally 4GB block of addresses memory. They are mapped by page tables to physical memory. Every process contains its own page tables set. Whenever they get applied to all running software, the digital signal responds effectively and everything is reserved in the kernel.


When performing various processes, the segments of similar virtual addresses helps to utilize signals even where there is remote security vulnerabilities. This activity usually needs complete location of the memory such as library address function and address within the stack. The digital machines randomizes heap, the stack and memory mapping segment through additional of offsets to their onset addresses.  Here, the stack directs parameters in series of programming languages that directs the digital signals. This design becomes possible for the data obeys LIFO order. In that case, there is no complex data in the program structure that is required to track contents of stacks. The constant stack reuse keeps the whole process active.


Some components are crucial to enable effective process of digital signal. Therefore, the program memory assists in this execution over various processing, storage and transmission of information.